How to Stay Focused On Your Vision

In our culture, we’re bombarded with messages from everyone about what they think we should or should not be doing. Opinions fly around like starlings, landing all too close to home and often making us confused about what we’re doing, and make us wonder if we should keep going or take a different path altogether.

I’d like to offer a different idea. No one’s opinion can make us confused, and no idea can throw us off course. That’s an unconscious reaction to life, and instead we have a conscious choice.

When we’re mindful of the messages we’re getting from others or even our own internalized voices of what we “should” and “should not” do, we can consciously and purposefully say, “no thanks.”

The word “should” is poison to our energy, our dreams, our focus. When you “should” on yourself, you’re fracturing your focus.

We all have powerful minds that allow us to create more of what we’re focused on. Most businesses, I believe, only grow about 10% per year on average, because the leaders are only focused on growth 10% of the time. The other 90% is caught up with operations, meetings, personnel, et cetera. When you’re able to focus on what you want, without allowing anyone else’s ideas of what you “should” be focusing on deter you, you free yourself and your energy to create.

How to Stay Focused On Your Vision:

Make the subtle shift from “should” to “could”. “I could focus on that, but right now I’m choosing to stay with my vision.” This drops the weight of the should, which carries with it the idea that there’s something we’re deficient in, that if we continued to not do this thing we would lose value. In fact, having a fractured focus keeps you stuck and confused, which completely limits the value you’re able to have in the world.

We will always have other things we “could” focus on, but when we become clear on what’s truly important to us, we’re able to create that with much less frustration and more ease.

“There’s no competition to the real you.”

-Dr. John Demartini

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